Armored Bulletproof Passenger Vehicles

In a typical armored vehicle the entire passenger compartment is enclosed in lightweight composite armors that are impervious to all handgun and submachine gun munitions. Two types of armor are used in the armoring process, transparent and opaque. Transparent armor is used for the windows and consists of dense, layered ballistic glass that is laminated to a tough inner spall shield of resilient polycarbonate. Opaque armor consists of lightweight composite armor (Spectra Shield), high-hardened ballistic steel, and other specialized ballistic materials. Once the vehicle has been armored, it’s reassembled to mirror the original factory finish. Armoring Step 1 Once the client’s vehicle and deposit have been received, a work order is put into effect describing the materials and levels of protection that the owner of the vehicle has requested. It is at this point that the armoring process can begin. Armoring Step 2 We then completely dismantle the interior of the veh...